Lucy in her Secret Wood -- Published August 2016, and winner of five awards, the two most recent (Ju
February, 2016: Watch this space for anything about my children's novel, "Lucy in Her Secret Wood," which will be launched this summer. I was excited about my poetry collections being published, but I'm even more so about this novel. Lucy, a nature child/spirit, was inspired by Wordsworth's wild child, Lucy Gray, and she's waiting in the shadows now, but I'm hoping she'll jump into alot of children's hearts, as wells as the hearts of parents and grandparents.
October, 2016: On August 1, 2016, my children's novel Lucy in Her Secret Wood (A Story Inspired by Wordsworth's wild child Lucy Gray) was released. Lucy is now travelling the globe I hope, and she has already won two awards -- Readers' Favorites Silver Award, and the Children's Literary Classics Seal of Approval.
My adult readers, as well as young readers, are saying that they couldn't put the book down, and Lucy with her long black hair and flashing blue eyes, her bluebell woods filled with magic, have become memories that don't fade. Where is the sequel? they ask. Well, the sequel is written but it is still in the ruminating stage. In other words, it's on the table by a window that looks out onto leaves beginning to change colours in the Fall, and waiting also for changes in the form of snippets to be added or erased. The sequel is even more of an adventure story, and I am thinking of adding a little more reflection since Lucy as well as Will (her soul-mate) are reflective children. They are young spirits living in beauty upon whom "very little is lost" (I stole those words from the author Henry James who I studied in depth in graduate school).
Please check out Lucy in Her Secret Wood on Amazon, or from APG, Ingram and Baker & Taylor.
Then write a review -- I will love you forever for doing it!

August, 2017
Great news! Lucy in her Secret Wood has received one of the most prestigious awards for youth fiction -- The Eloquent Quill Award from Children's Literary Classics! CLC also awarded it their Gold Seal.